Well, I was looking at my needle felted cat (seen in a previous blog) when it occurred to me that I had the perfect colors for a new experiment. Not too original, but I couldn't resist trying it. When I had finished (hours of poking and several, painful finger-sticks later) I placed my new creation next to Harvey and a new and everlasting friendship was born.
"Harvey and His Pooka" is a OOAK creation, inspired in part, by the movie with Jimmy Stewart and also by my love for sock monkeys. I had a sock monkey, when I was little, made by my grandmother. Her name was Luisa (the sock monkey, not my grandmother) and was named after an organ grinder's monkey in a Shirley Temple movie.
In case you didn't know, the Harvey in

This work evolved, over time to become what it is...an artist's interpretation...a tribute to a classic movie...and a classic toy. In no way, have I intended to infringe on any copyrights, and I hope this will not be seen, as such.
If you haven't seen the movie...it's well worth the rental fee...and if you want to make a real sock monkey, you can still purchase Rockford Red Heel Socks on the net.
Happy Creating!

First of all Thank-you for the kind comments you left on my blog!!
You are very talented in many things...I love your neele felt work!!! I will have to try this someday...
They are soooo cute!!!
This sis a cool work!! I don't wanna say the best yet, but it's pretty darn close. I think it's a great twist on the story...
You continue to rock the crative the world!!
I love your work!
And I love YOU, as well...
Oh, my gosh, did this turn out great! ohhhh, that's sooo cute!
I love that movie, and I love your tribute. I still can't believe it's so tiny!!
OMG-I love sock monkeys-your Halloween guy is cute too. Come back and see me-one more post-tonight or tomorrow. I'm in my studio painting 27 book pages for a swap. Almost done, so will celebrate that too! Love your needle felting-have no idea how it's done!
OMG Sock monkey and rabbit are fabulous!!!!
OHHHHH i want to try that idea,,,,Your work is AWESOME!!
My new rovings are sitting untouched whaaaaa!!!!
Not enough hours in the day.
I have a fibre arts workshop on Wed. Quilt Guild on Thurs. and Fri., Sat., and Sunday, I'm off on a quilting retreat, but HEY maybe I will just pack up some rovings and my needles and veer off track.. Tee Hee...I'll let you know :-)
I love Harvey and his friend! The movie is one of my all-time favorites. Are you listing him on eBay? I am very interested in purchasing them! I would love to make my own someday but can't wait till then! The rest of your work is lovely also.
Oh goodness, Harvey and his Pooka just made me smile and smile. And the song playing in the background is an old all time favorite of mine. I'm glad I finally got a chance to get over here and visit you! Your needle felting is delicious my dear!
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