My latest rattle was inspired by the Pueblo Storyteller Dolls. My Mom collected storytellers. I couldn't help but think of her, as I worked the clay. She gave me a storyteller ornament for Christmas, once. When she died, several of her storytellers came to me. If she were alive, this year, this rattle would surely have been her Mother's Day present.
I borrow from many different traditions, as I develop my personal connection to my Creator. To me, as in Native American culture, the making of a Spirit Rattle is a sacred act. I start my day in the studio with ceremony for healing and cleansing, before I begin working. I do my best to keep my thoughts positive and loving throughout my day, but especially while working on my rattles...though they make it easier. It's hard to feel bad with one in my hands.
Each Spirit Rattle is one-of-a-kind

ई चूसे लोवे
I hope you have opportunity to blog more - you are so great at this!
BTW: YOU've been TAGGED!
Here's the scoopidy-doopidy: When you are "tagged" please give 7 random facts about your sweet self on your blog.
Please write things that are a habit, unusual, or that no-one else knows, as well as the rules of the game.
You then need to tag seven others and list their names on your blog.
Please leave a post on the blogs of those you tag so they know that they have been tagged and to read your blog...and tag 7 more and so on.
No worries. No pressure. No time constraints - just enjoy ~ xo ~
Your rattles are lovely -- like Fairyland Luster pottery nearly. I enjoyed the link to info about storytellers -- thanks. I added it to my Peruvian Storytellers stone post. I also added yo to my blogroll. Sweet to meet you!
-- Tree, www.mysticgriffin.com
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