One of my goals for the new year has been to tie up as many lose ends in my life, as possible. To that end, I was going through an old file cabinet, today, and found this colored-pencil drawing I did of my daughter, Sarah, when she was a little (a very little) girl. I thought I might have lost it, or it was still in storage in Florida, but to my surprise and delight, there it was...tucked neatly away in my files.
Maybe...I should draw more. I am a bit spoiled by the computer. Not that drawing skill is not necessary in a computer. In fact, basic drawing and painting skills are a big plus, if you do digital work.
Here is a pic some of you may have seen before. This is a
digital painting, taken from a photo of Lance's daughter, when she was younger. All that's left of the original photo is the face. Everything else was digitally "painted" using various brush tools. I clipped the wings from a black and white line drawing of a butterfly. They were cut apart and painted, individually, then repositioned behind Rachel's back to make her into a fairy.

I'm always turning people into fairies. I guess I've been
doing it for quite a while. Here's one of my earlier attempts using the computer and a photo of my sister, Ruthanne, in a long-ago Easter dress that my Mother made. This one was more photos and filters, than drawing, but I did have to draw and paint the wings and the mushroom.

Well...there's more fairy art in my files, but it will have to wait for another blog. I really just wanted to post that early drawing of Sarah. I was so happy to find it. :)
Happy New Year, everyone!
© 2008 Bettina Makley